In the Community, for the community, protecting the most vulnerable
SAVF Pretoria Social Work Services
Language / Taal: Afrikaans
The Pretoria office is one of the offices within the organisation, rendering services in Gauteng Province and serving the North Rand Region. These offices are distributed among the five Northern Provinces, namely: Gauteng, Northern Province, North-West Province, Limpopo Province and Kwa-Zulu Natal. The Pretoria office is one of two offices within the organisation, rendering services in Gauteng Province and serving the North Rand Region. We received NPO certification on 09 November 2000, but remained integrated with the mother organisation. As an NPO/NGO this office is only partially subsidised by Government (55%) which implicates an immediate deficit (45%) on the operational costs.
The purpose of The SAVF Pretoria Social Work Office is to protect the most vulnerable by providing free generic social work services to designated communities comprising of the poorest of the poor and families/individuals/children at risk. Furthermore, our purpose is to maximize the strength and existing potential of disadvantaged families by empowering the human capacity of all people in creating opportunities to develop and built their own capacity and support network, in order to alleviate poverty and lead them to self-reliance within an accessible, caring and enabling socio-economic environment.
Mission Statement
To render welfare, welfare-related and other social development services with regard to child and youth care, family care, elderly and disabled care in communities, to the advantage of all whom may benefit.